it was a long day of flight pricing, schedule maneuvering and bank account (re)evaluating, but i am happy to say that the flight is booked and the visa is in the works! i will be leaving on friday 2/12 courtesy of Air Canada (yea, don't ask...). Thanks to the lovely Ms Kunis, i was able to book through and get a relatively decent price...word to the wise however, do NOT wait until the last minute to buy what will obviously be a significantly priced ticket.
i had drinks with a dear, dear friend tonight and she successfully brought the first (friend prompted) tears to my eyes (ok, besides Kara moving, but that was Kara related, not Chile related). while i've always known my friends are beyond amazing, i'm truly beginning to realize how unbelievably blessed i am. Mel, i hate you for making me cry, but i couldn't ask for a more thoughtful and loyal friend; i adore you and can't wait to see your face when i return. i will curse your existence after i accidently purchase a child while grocery shopping for fruit. ps. that bartender is ridiculously hot and i might love him.
after being called an idiot by family, i am happy to say that things are falling into place. my checklist (thanks, JAY) is dwindling and my nerves from the past 2 days are subsiding (thank you Mel, Matt and Kit for talking me off the ledge and providing me with alcohol). i now realize the world is not going to implode whilst i'm gone and that you will more than likely remember me once i return. i look forward to seeing all of you at my surprise goodbye party tomorrow night ;) and yes - tomorrow is a marathon, Melissa - not a sprint. got it ;)
awww, yay! don't curse me from chile, that scares me. and yes, it's a marathon...dont fight me