Thanks to the recent election, Chile is now presided over by the billionaire and "right of center" Pinera...once again proving it really helps to have dolla dolla bills in your wallet. However, the left leaning leaders of the past two decades deserve full credit for reducing poverty faster than any of the region's counterparts and for showing the world that there is such a thing as a modern, globalized, financially responsible "left" in Latin America. As many of south america's other countries have spent the majority of their export income on politically driven cash subsidies, Chile has bucked the trend and created and invested in various funds that will not only boost their long-term development but will help give them a competitive edge in our global economy. One of the most impressive being the $6 billion dollar education fund which developed and funds the teaching position i accepted under the Univeridad de Catolica's EduaCA program.
enough already, i know. essentially - everyone stop worrying about me (ahhhem, KIT). i am NOT moving to the bush, i will NOT come home pregnant (i mean COME ON, do you KNOW me?) and though trevor and matt already have a pool on how much i'll be purchased for, i do not plan on being sold into any form of prostitution ring. i simply want to play with llamas and eat empanadas.
speaking of llamas...sadly, customs forbids Patches to accompany me on my journeys - SO, i would like to introduce you, Melissa, to my new friend at the top of the page. While he may not posses the resplendent canvas for braiding and crimping (i mean, nothing trumps patches' mane), his fur is quite soft and fun to pet. he's exceptionally regal and enjoys woven blankets and colored ribbons. This one's for you, Mel ;)